If every writer believed what I’m about to tell you..
Then we’d see an explosion of ideas and creativity.
What is it?
I want you to believe in your novel ideas.
I recently got tweeted at by a follower named John McClymont the other day. He said:
“So many people are simply afraid to…share unless someone else has gone first.”
So I’ll ask you now..
Do you feel the same way?
Are you afraid to share your opinions and ideas unless someone else has already done it?
If so, why?
Let me know in the comments section.
For now, allow me to pump you up and give you some confidence.
One Question That’ll Help You Have More Confidence In Your Ideas
So you have a writing idea.
You think it’s a good message, but you’re not sure anybody will resonate with the idea.
All you got to do is ask yourself one thing..
“Did it help me?”
Did the lesson you’re about to write about help you personally in your life?
Then people will resonate with it.
You are all you need. You don’t need focus groups and you don’t need to ask all your friends for feedback. If it helped you, then write about it.
How To Deal With Backlash For Your Ideas
“But Tom, what if I get backlash for my idea?”
Here, I’ll let you in on something I’ve learned after publishing online for 5 years..
Nobody remembers anything.
They get angry for 5 minutes, write their response, then promptly forget they ever read your article in the first place.
Besides, if you make somebody angry for your opinion, they were probably never part of your target audience.
I get that it’s difficult to hear from dissenters about how your idea isn’t all that great, but you got to get past it.
If it makes you feel any better, I get comments like this all the time.
Popular writer Tom Kuegler gets sh*t almost every single day.
Just because somebody disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re automatically right.
My advice?
Hold your nose, jump in the pool, and try to get used to it as quickly as possible.
In other words, write a bunch of posts just so you can get used to the dissent very quickly.
Believe In Your Ideas
We need more novel ideas. We need more of YOU, not more of what we’ve heard before.
If you disagree with something I say, or something another writer says, feel free to tell us why.
That’s a different opinion!
And we need different ways of looking at things these days.
If you disagree with me, or have a thought that takes one of my ideas just a little bit farther, please feel free to write an article tagging me in it. I’ll gladly clap for it and send you some love.
I want to see different ideas put out into the world.
Believe in your ideas! You have one fan right here in me.
Welcome to my newsletter, 150 days to blogging mastery. This is the fourth of 150 lessons, which we’ll publish every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until the end of the year. Please subscribe on Substack.
For the next month, we’ll be talking about how to generate great writing ideas.
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